Complete control of the wormhole

In the depths of the universe.

In the hall of the bronze warship.

The six beast gods, who had been very calm, suddenly paused.

"What's going on? How did this guy know our identities?"

Beast God number two's voice carried a hint of surprise.

&Quot; could it be that when the vanguard battleships of the Lamia went to earth, they intercepted them and obtained the information from them? "

Beast God number four guessed.

"Impossible ... The Lamia doesn't even know of our existence! Furthermore, that spaceship is the lowest-end spaceship in our civilization. The information they have access to is very limited!"

Beast God number one immediately shook his head in denial.

In the depths of his heart, there were also many waves ...

Then, he looked forward and revealed a fierce look. &Quot; "Are you threatening me? This space is under my control, and all the devices here can explode instantly. I can kill you at any time!"