The descent of fear that shocked the universe

In a universe super warship.

Beast God number one, who had been frightened by the attacks of the mutated beasts, laughed out loud without any regard for his image.

* Jie Jie Jie ... *

The voice was strange, evil, and a little hoarse. &Quot; "Ants are just ants. Even if there are a few of them who are extremely powerful, so what? Even if they were given another 10000 years, they wouldn't be able to surpass our great beast God civilization. Such a low-level creature is only worthy of being a slave ... Hehehe!!"

In the hall, the other five beast gods were also in a good mood.

"We overestimated those guys just now ... The gap in civilization level can't be made up for! Although their biological level is relatively high, in the face of technology, they can't cause any waves at all."

Beast God number four was full of disdain.