Wormhole explosion, doomsday

In the sky above the Pacific Ocean.


* Roar ... *

As the Horde of mutant beasts charged into the battleships, the situation was completely one-sided.

Some of the creatures that were hiding in the underground shelter rushed out excitedly.

Some creatures stood on the top of buildings. They couldn't see anything with their naked eyes, but they still looked up at the Pacific Ocean.

&Quot; unbelievable. To be honest, I feel like I'm in a dream ... The power of those mutated beasts is beyond my expectations. I thought the beast God civilization's battleships were powerful, but it seems like they're just paper tigers. &Quot;

"Yeah, yeah! "However, their technology is really powerful. At least they can create wormholes."

&Quot; it's just technology ... Don't worry, our civilization won this time. It won't be long before we completely absorb those technologies ... In three years at most, the earth will be turned upside down again. &Quot;