Inconceivable and undercurrent

Hu hu hu ...

The sky above the Pacific Ocean was calm again, and the sea breeze blew from time to time.

After the energy from the wormhole explosion was completely absorbed, the sky here had returned to its blue color.

Occasionally, there would be some white war smoke rising.

But ... At this moment, no warship dared to fire their weapons.

Serpent God!

The huge body was floating in the air, and it was silver-white in color.

From space, it looked like a giant python that was coiled in a circle.

From the side ... It was even more terrifying. The warship seemed to be wrapped in layers of indestructible scales, and under the scales were countless weapon launchers.

At this moment.

In the control room of the serpent God.

After the projection ended ...

The four high-level members of the beast deity organization, who had been captured by ye bei, finally came to their senses.

His eyes were filled with disbelief.

They were all shocked.