Location of the flood Dragon confirmed

In the central area of Eastern Sea city.

Caesar's report continued.

After about an hour, Caesar left.


Ye bei's body was coiled up, and when he moved his body slightly, a loud sizzling sound could be heard.

"Looks like it's almost time!" &Quot; tsk, tsk,"ye bei muttered as he stuck out his forked tongue. After listening to the report just now, there were a few things that made him very concerned. He also personally witnessed the changes in the times.

Now, the snake civilization had already begun the era of interstellar travel. After a large number of space-level warships were built, they flew into space at the fastest speed possible ... Under such circumstances, the number of living creatures on earth began to decrease, but the main forces belonging to the snake civilization expanded rapidly. The resources allocated to each living creature also increased countless times.