There's no right or wrong, only strong or weak

Eastern Sea city.

Doomsday city!

Originally, the city was completely covered by the tree of the East Sea ...

However, after the snake tribe took control of the entire world, the East Sea Divine Tree retreated. It only secretly controlled all the plants, and when ye bei needed it, it would fully display its terrifying power.

Especially after the eastern sea city became the doomsday city.

The surrounding defenses were all removed.

Any living being ...

As long as one wasn't afraid of death, they could enter this place freely.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

On this day, a huge tremor came from the edge of doomsday city. Countless buildings collapsed, and terrifying cracks appeared on the ground as if there was a terrible earthquake.


Along with this vibration, the sound of death was immediately heard.

It was a giant elephant.

Its height had reached more than 200 meters.

The length of its body was close to 350 meters ...