The information link that was violently tampered with

The human Federation.

As the wormhole opened ...

The humans living on earth also started to migrate.

In particular, some of the more advanced ones were full of yearning for life on Mars ...

In the former capital of China.

After the establishment of the Federation, this place, along with the former Moscow in Russia, gradually became the most prosperous city where humans gathered.

All sorts of high-tech products.

An endless supply of living resources ...

Every minute and every second, they were being transported to these two cities.

In just a few years, all humans had felt a tremendous change.

At the top of a skyscraper!

Hualalalala ...

There was the sound of water splashing.

Yes ... It was an open-air swimming pool built on the top of the building.

At this moment, a group of young people was having a huge party.

"Panke, I heard you went to Mars through a wormhole. How did it feel? Are there really aliens there?"