The terrifying power of dimension-lowering strike

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

The Milky Way was surrounded by huge three-body life forms.

Each three-body life form was emitting a faint light, looking extremely terrifying.

After the 'dimension reduction strike' command was issued ...

These three-body life forms instantly accelerated to superluminal speed and turned into terrifying black holes. They carried a destructive attitude as they charged toward the direction of the Milky Way.

The three-body civilization had sent a large number of people this time.

And it was fast.

&Nbsp; whoosh whoosh whoosh ...

After they passed through the Milky Way ...

The majestic energy instantly covered the entire Milky Way.

From a higher dimension, it wasn't difficult to see that after the three-body life passed through, it was as if a huge palm had appeared above the entire Milky Way. That palm was a hundred times larger than the Milky Way, and it finally slammed down.
