The resurrected flood Dragon rushes to the battlefield


All the three-body life forms were stunned.

At this moment, their emotions were extremely complicated.

On the one hand, he had found hope that he could be saved. He could guarantee that he wouldn't be devoured by ye bei's mutated beasts today.

However, on the other hand, history was too hard to accept.

This was because ...

That was what the top-secret memory described.

&Quot; tens of thousands of years ago, the Tri-body civilization was just a servant of the flood Dragons in the high-level universe ... After tens of thousands of years of development, one of the old flood Dragons was sent to a low-level universe by his race because he violated the rules. He was seriously injured, and the flood Dragon set up a domain for himself. He has been repairing himself in the Centaurs! &Quot;

&Quot; the three-body civilization has been continuously developing and storing powerful energy. In fact, we've been serving that flood Dragon all this time!