Obtaining the gene and the surprise

Boom ... Boom ...

When the last surviving mutated ant bit a mechanical life, the scene that the mutated beasts had been waiting for did not happen. This was because all the mutated beasts saw the mutated ant being dismembered by the mechanical life in an instant.

Pfft, pfft ...

Even through the holographic projection screen, one could feel the terrible smell of blood.

"Bastards ... What are they doing?"

The Queen ant trembled when it saw this.

Seeing her 'subjects' being treated like this, it would be strange if she, as the Queen ant, remained indifferent.

&Quot; there's something wrong with those mechanical lives. It seems like they intentionally released that mutated ant. What are they trying to do? "

&Quot; that's right. They've already locked onto the mutated ants. Some of the mechanical lives even revealed their flaws on purpose! &Quot;

"Damn ..."