Who is the one annexing who?

The metal planet, like the Dragon in the Centaurs, was from a higher universe!

Furthermore ...

Due to some special reasons, he had been hiding in this star field for millions of years.

They had also completely transformed a star field into a metal star field.

By constantly plundering the metal resources in the surrounding star fields, they created an endless Army of mechanical lives ...

At the same time, every mechanical life was like a Scout released by the metal planet. Any strange movements that appeared here would be reported back to the metal planet at the first moment.

Now, the metal planet had received new information.

Ye bei's appearance appeared in his memory bank ...

It was a wyrmdragon that was only three meters long!

It had a pair of dragon horns on its head and four legs on its abdomen ... Its sharp claws seemed to be able to tear everything apart.