WebNovelLost Luna100.00%

Chapter 14

I had barely brushed my hair from my eyes, the sudden silence after the heart wrenching scream had immediately awaken my defenses, but without so much as a second thought I had reached for my sword, making my way to the exit.

I threw the flap of the tent open and stepped outside. Almost immediately, a lash of wind struck my face, it was sudden and carried with it a strange scent that made my hairs stand.

It was nothing like I'd ever sensed before, but at the same time it felt just as familiar. I hadn't been the only one to react to the scream, others with far more superior instincts had beat me to it, just like myself, I could tell they also sensed the strange energy.

They seemed to have it surrounded, but were reluctant to attack, I couldn't make out who, or what this strange thing was that put everyone on edge and the wall they made around it wasn't helping either, pushing through the barricads of bodies, mostly male, as most other females watched from a safe distance, I finally came one on one with the mysterious creature, but what I thought was a creature looked more human than I expected.

One of the downsides of a young wolf, our abilities to sense other supernatural creatures only came after our turning, so as far as I was concerned, there were a number of things she could' ve been and I still wouldn't have sensed it. Another reason why I found my current feeling so suspicious, it shouldn't be there in the first place.

She wore a black cloak, it draped over her, almost completely concealing her entire frame, bent over on one knee, she hunched over something, I couldn't tell what, seeing as she had her back to us, our audience hardly seemed to make her the slightest bit nervous, ' what was she doing ? ' I thought to myself, still straining to see, I strained further, there was a little girl on the ground, resting on her elbows, her eyes glazed with tears, stirring intently at the hooded figure in front of her, a bruise had formed on her knee and blood trickled lightly from it, her's was probably the scream that drew everyone's attention.

I and the others watched as she placed the palm of her hand over the little girl's bruised knee, leaving mere inches from touching the bloody wound.

" Get away from her !! " a male voice suddenly commanded out of nowhere, compelling her to momentarily pause, and pulling everyone's attention in it's direction in the process.

As my eyes darted in the same direction as the others, I caught sight of Goku, behind him were Mikayo and laden, they were never too far behind. Unlike the rest of us, they didn't seem to exude neither surprise nor hesitation, the circle parted as they approached the stranger, who despite everything hadn't shown the slightest change of emotion nor even changed position.

Goku and the others stopped as soon as they got close enough to her, Mikayo immediately picking up the little girl and resuming his place behind Goku.

" Your kind is not welcome here, get out while you still can " Goku continued saying, he looked at her with so much disgust that I couldn't help but wonder even still who or what she could be.

" Or what little wolf ? " a raspy voice, soft, had a calmness to it that didn't follow well with Goku's threat, it wasn't just that she didn't fear him, she wasn't the slightest bit intimated, instead she was challenging him.

" Leave now, before I make you ! " Goku threatened again.

" Hmmm " she voiced, pulling herself up " you're a confident one I have to say, maybe even a little too confident, but a little wolf like you can't possibly hope to scare me... your fangs just aren't big enough yet " she said with a slight chuckle, her words aggravating the others, they immediately snared at her, baring their fangs, as if preparing to attack, the circle backed away, making it wider in the middle, this wasn't going to end well.

In a split second, one of the wolves behind Mikayo launched at her, he moved so fast it was almost impossible that she'd dodge the attack, but she spun around the last minute, crouching low and palming his chest with a surprising force that sent him reeling and landing on his back.

That aggravated them even more as two others launched at her, but she cut them down even quicker than the first, Mikayo and laden made an attempt to advance this time, but Goku held them back while he studied her still, she didn't seem to break a sweat all the while she was being attacked, her hood had only moved just enough to expose the mocking grin she had on.

" What's the matter, little wolf ?, don't tell me I scared you already ? " she continued, " you promised to make me leave before, let's see how good you are at keeping your promises " she taunted him, Goku snarled, he was ready to launch at her any minute.

" That's quite enough Donna ! " another voice spoke, it was my father, ' he knew who she was ?how did he know her ? ' I battled with the thought.

" Why have you come here ? " he asked, she didn't respond immediately, instead put a hand in front of her hood and pulled it back, finally revealing the face behind it, ebony red hair fell down the cloak over her shoulders, her eyes casting a bold blue stare, she seemed to be around my age as well.

" I'm sorry chief Yuro, I didn't mean any harm " she said in a way that almost sounded truthful " but my mistress gave me a message for you " she continued and for the first time in a long while I saw something flinch in my father's expression, almost as if her presence here bothered him more than it already did us.

" Come with me " he said, taking the lead, she followed in his trail, but stopped and turned, she walked back to the little girl who had a bruised knee earlier, there was a short moment of tension as she made it closer to her, with everyone being on their guard. She squatted in front of the little girl and glanced up at her, meeting her gaze then back at the wound, placed a palm over her knee and closed her eyes, she opened her eyes the next minute and smiled up at the little girl one more time and when she lifted her hand the wound was completely healed.

She dashed off the next minute, tailing my father, but the strangest feeling crept up my skin the moment our eyes met, and as she looked away I was left with even more suspicions.