World Peace

In the morning, Ling Pingan stood on the balcony and stretched comfortably.

"Time to get to work!" He encouraged himself. "Today, I must decide on the theme of the new book and work out the details for the first three chapters!"

"You can do this,, Ling Pingan!"

"Go for it! You got this!"


When he returned to the house, he sighed again.

"Chicken soup for the soul is really useless after all..." he felt like his whole body was going to wither.

For some reason, he just wanted to fish today.


He seemed to have remembered something.

"I wonder how the Peach Tree I planted yesterday is doing..."

"I'll go and take a look..."

As he spoke, he climbed up to the third floor and pushed the door open.

At this time, it was about seven in the morning.

The warm sunlight fell on the roof of the shack.