Darius' Divination

Darius clapped her hands.

A few slim girls dressed in saris, just like her, walked in from somewhere in the castle.

These girls looked almost like twins.

They were around the same age and looked identical to each other.

They lined up and knelt in front of Darius.

Then, a few burly gypsy men carrying a white bull statue made of silver walked in as well.

These men put down the lifelike white bull statue and retreated to the sides.

At the same time, they chanted some sentences that didn't make sense.

As they chanted, the white bull that was made of silver emitted a red light.

The light enveloped the young girls and the men.

Amazingly, these men had not died from the loss of blood.

At this moment, those who had seen through the trick lightly nodded.