The Guide of Making the Terracotta Army of the Immortal Qin Empire

Ling Pingan walked between the bookshelves.

His eyes wandered from book to book.

He thought for a long time and finally decided.

He pulled out a book from the bookshelf.

A Collection of Famous Objects in Qin and Han Dynasties, published by the Federal Empire Press in 2780 Gonghe era, had been published almost sixty years ago.

The book was one of the few books in Ling Pingan's bookshop that still used the old-fashioned vertical and traditional writing style.

Although it was an ancient book, its practical value was extremely high.

Ling Pingan had written history literature a while ago by using it as a reference.

In this book, there were many studies and introductions of the Qin and Han dynasties' clothing, artifacts, weapons, and tools, explained by the Federal Empire.

The key was that it had pictures and words.

"That customer might like this book." Ling Pingan thought.