Voodoo-modified Nurgle Spirits

On the Beacon Tower, the bronze giant, Meng Yi looked at the northern mountain range that had been cleared.

He suddenly sighed. "Even if the fungus treant, Karachi is dead..."

"We still can't recover the lost land..."

"Because the father of the plague didn't just let Karachi and its spores and fungus monsters occupy our former defensive line!"

"He also placed one of its most beloved sons, the Crazy Lord of Nurgle's spirit, Kutak, across the mountains from Karachi…"

"Letting these two monsters work as allies!"

"Do you see that ravine?" Meng Yi pointed at an undulating valley to the south of the north. "That's Kutak's territory."

"Thousands of Nurgle's spirit and Kutak are entrenched there…"

"If we want to recover the lost land, we have to face Kutak's Attack!"

"That is an evil enemy that is several times more terrifying than Karachi!"