Calabash Brothers Saving Their Grandpa (2)

There were at least a thousand pieces of fat that fell off from the Voodoo Demon Master, Garstagg's body.

When these pieces of fat fell off to the ground, they quickly turned into terracotta army, bronze giants, rat-men...

Then, these things rushed towards Ling Pingan.


Ling Pingan sent a monster flying with a punch.

But his expression soon became strange.

It turned out that the monster that should have been killed by his punch stood up shakily from the ground.

That was the terrifying part of Garstagg's trump card!

In theory, all monsters were a part of its body.

As long as it didn't die, these monsters wouldn't die and would have endless life.

Ling Pingan had noticed that as well.

However, he wasn't nervous at all. Instead, he laughed.

That was because his current strength had already stacked up to 112 points, and it was still increasing.