Brother What and Brother Hell Beating Up the Loving Father (1)

Ling Pingan raised his head and looked at the monster that had suddenly appeared.

Then, he looked at his strength attribute, which had increased to more than 240 points!

Thus, he walked towards the monster.

Last time, when his strength had increased to more than 300 points, the scene of him destroying a summoned creature with one punch was still vivid in his mind.

Ling Pingan felt that he should be able to do the same at that moment.

Therefore, his two brains roared at the same time, "WAAAGH!"

Then, he jumped up high and threw a punch at the monster that had just stretched its body and turned into a ball of water-like monster.

"Green skins are indeed arrogant fools!" The father of the plague sneered, as he urged the monster to open its large body and wrap the green skin up like a flood.

He naturally knew that creatures like green skins were not afraid of any virus infection.