Han Li’s Summon, the Green Skin Craze!

Han Li coldly stepped on the skull under her feet.

The Lich's skull.

The symbol had already been placed beside the skull.

Mr. Umr's invention was specially tailored for abyssal creatures.

Han Li had been verified many times, and reality proved that as long as the abyssal monster was placed in this symbol.

No matter how strong it was, it would be destroyed completely!

Even if it was a monster like the Lich, who hid his phylactery in the abyss world!

"Speak!" The Spirit Blade in Han Li's hand scratched the white bones of the skull. "Is there a teleportation array nearby?"

"Succubus!" The controlled Lich screamed. "You betrayed the Great Abyss, betrayed the will of the Nether River!"

"The Nether River won't let you go with it!"

"Your Nether River..." Han Li smiled. She was as beautiful as a flower. "I'm afraid it might not be as honorable as the existence I serve!"