Man-made Disaster

"There's something wrong!"

"There's definitely something wrong!"

Alucard, who was in the scepter, screamed.

The Cat goddess, Bastet was an unusual existence.

She was a God!

How would she be someone's pet just so easily?

Not to mention, this was the east.

In this land, it was said that: "even if she was a god, if she wasn't registered, it would be still illegal for her to be there".

The Special Affairs Department of this country, the so-called Blackguard, blatantly interfered with the supernatural being's affairs.

The stronger they were, the more they would be under supervision!

According to the foreign species that escaped from this country, there was no need to talk about feasting on humans here.

Even if they were to accidentally use a spell, they would have to go to jail once they were detected!