Serving Our Master is Our Mission

Everyone looked at the figure sleeping soundly in the fog.

They approached it carefully.

The figure wrapped in the fog seemed to snore softly in it.

As it breathed, the fog contracted and expanded.

It looked strange and terrifying, but somehow it had a holy feeling.

When they approached the fog.

It was dark!

They looked up in surprise and saw an evil blood moon hanging in the sky.

In the blood moon, countless tentacles spread down.

These tentacles entangled with each other and turned into a staircase.

Wearing a tight-fitting ancient dress, she was shrouded in evil and madness as she walked down the stairs.

She held a fan in her hand, which covered her face.

No one could see the person behind the fan.

No one wanted to see it.

She slowly walked down the stairs under everyone's gaze.

She walked to the front of the fog.