Emperor’s Syrup

Tap! Tap! Tap! Ling Pingan walked up the stairs.


The lights on the third floor were turned on.

Ling Pingan pulled out a small oven from the corner.

The oven was bought from a street stall and only cost a few yuan.

In fact, it was welded with just an iron sheet.

But the quality was not bad. It had been used for many years and hadn't even rust.

It was just that it hadn't been used for a long time, and there was some dust on it.

Ling Pingan took out a brush and brushed all the dust out, then poured it into the garbage bags.

"I'll throw it away tomorrow morning..." Ling Pingan said, "Put it in the garbage together with the charcoal ashes from the barbecue last time..."

After cleaning the barbecue stove, Ling Pingan took the barbecue grill, and put it under the tap to clean it. He wiped it clean with a cloth, then lit up the charcoal to roast the mushrooms.
