Stocking New Books (1)

Ling Pingan woke up the the morning.

He felt that his right hand was a little numb.

He raised his hand and saw that the skin on his palm was showing signs of bruising.

He moved his hand slightly, and an obvious numbness appeared on his arm.

"Whew!" The owner of the bookstore, who had never suffered since he was young, sucked in a breath of cold air.

"What happened?" He scratched his head and tried to recall carefully. Then, he remembered that he had fought with someone in his dream last night!

"Um..." he thought for a while and got a general idea.

Perhaps he didn't sleep well last night, so his arm touched or hit the edge of the bed.

In his dream, it was a fight.

"It should be that!" He, who had been good at using scientific analysis since he was young, nodded.

Then, he walked to the balcony with his injured hand in his other hand and did a set of broadcast gymnastics.
