The Cat Goddess Who Only Wanted To Be A Pet


He looked at the tea being handed to him.

The dense spirit aura was even denser than the last time.

Just smelling it, Situ He could not help but swallow his saliva.

But he did not dare to drink it.


He secretly glanced at the counter, and a small cat's head poked out.

The amber cat's eyes stared intently at the golden spirit tea in Situ He's hand.

Situ He immediately thought of currying favor with him.

Because he and the Blackguard's think tanks had already analyzed it.

If the owner of the bookstore was equivalent to the former king.

Then, his pet.

The role of the Egyptian cat goddess was between the former King's favorite concubine and his personal eunuch.

He didn't dare to offend such a role!

He even had to think of ways to curry favor with her, or even bribe her..

There was no other way!