My Will

Ling Pingan walked upstairs and took a shower.

Then, he looked at the pile of old clothes again.

"I have to call the laundry service again tomorrow..." he shrugged his shoulders.

Then, he walked to the living room and opened the fridge. He took out a bottle of energy drink, opened it, and drank it.

After drinking the drink, he threw the can into the bin.

Then, he looked at the few remaining drinks in the fridge.

"I still have to go to the supermarket to shop tomorrow..."

He sighed.

Shopping was the thing he hated the most.

There was no other thing that he hated more.

But he had to do it.

Because, without the drink, life would lack a lot of fun.

Especially the carbonated drinks, it was delicious!

And the longer it was stored, the better it tasted!