Messenger of Peace

It was 10:30 pm.

The weather started to get colder.

Ling Pingan stopped working. He walked to the door and closed it.

The temperature that night was probably not even 10 degrees.

The night breeze blew, and his body felt a little cold.

Fortunately, his bookstore was warm in winter and cool in summer.

So he immediately warmed up after closing the door.

It was still early!

Ling Pingan thought that he might have some business at night, so he walked to the counter and continued to sit down.

He turned on the television at the same time.

There was a special program about the war in Tianzhu on television.

A few experts were discussing it one after another.

Pictures were playing in the background one after another.

There were shattered cars, exploding tanks, and the wreckage of airplanes.

Everything showed that the scale of this conflict was bigger than any previous one!