Nine-tailed Fox

Ling PingAn returned to the village, carrying Bastet.

At the village entrance, he met the old village chief who was carrying a load of grapes and rushing back.

"Uncle Zhang..." He immediately stepped forward with a smile.

"Young Master..." As soon as the old village chief saw Ling PingAn, he was happy. "You're back..."

Ling PingAn said, "Uncle Zhang, I told you... There's no need to go through so much trouble..."

"I'll pick these grapes by myself when I come back..."

The old village chief smiled honestly and said, "Young master, how would I dare to let you do such a rough work in the mountains?"

"Moreover you're not familiar with the mountains either..."

Ling PingAn was stunned when he heard this.

That's true.

He rarely came back. If there was no road sign, he probably wouldn't even know how to return to the village.

Thus, he said, "Uncle Zhang... let me carry this..."