Ling Ping'an’s Nightmare

The huge chimney spewed out thick smoke.

Red molten iron flowed out of the cauldrons.

While the steel was roaring, the machinery was spinning.

Now, it was 100 years after the Void Storm.

Human industry had finally restarted, and it was a fair reboot!

When the first furnace of molten iron flowed into the mold, people cheered.

Hundreds of thousands of devout believers even knelt in front of the newly built factory and worshipped it.

This was a miracle!

In a few days, it came from nothing.

A huge smelting factory was rebuilt on a desert.

The soul of machines was the only thing that could produce such a miracle!

Otherwise, the Evil Gods 'minions and descendants that were active on the continent and in the ruins would swarm over, tearing everyone into pieces.

In that case, humans were not allowed to rebuild their industries and civilization here.