Bumped Into a Treature When She Went out

Ling Ping'an walked out of this strange wine shop with a strange expression.

In his mind, he was still recalling the strange expression showed by the wine shop lady boss when she heard that his surname was Ling.

Her face was red...

It was a little like the immature strawberries in the strawberry garden in the countryside.

"Little Darling..." Ling Ping'an said softly to his cat, "Do you think... She knows my mother?"

His mother's puppet was in the bar counter.

From what he remembered, his mother liked to drink.

She had improved the wine brewing technique that was passed down in the Ling family.

Ling Ping'an continued to improve on it and that was how he got the wine he had today.

Therefore, it was very likely that his mother was a frequent customer of that wine shop.


Her age had determined that it was impossible!

She was at most 22 or 23, younger than Ling Ping'an.