Adventures of Andrew (2)

Sulfur and flames poured out.

Like lava, it swallowed the strange monster.

The fog rolled and boiled.

Andrew didn't know why, but the fear and uneasiness in his heart rose rapidly.

"It didn't die?" He thought, "How is this possible! ?"

"I summoned the 'death penalty'!"

The omniscient father and Lord had once sent down divine punishment to wipe out the two capital of sin, along with the land and everything on the surrounding plains.

This was absolute punishment!

The wrath of God!

Although what he summoned was only a phantom image of that earth-shattering disaster, it was only one ten-thousandth of its true power.

However, it wasn't something that could be easily resisted.

Without any defenses, even a general-level extraordinaire might not be able to escape unscathed!

Just as he looked in horror at the fog that was gradually calming down in front of him.