the Principles of Law Enforcers

He Rourou's current joy could not be described with words.


The master she had been searching for more than a month had appeared before her eyes just like that.

Although he looked ordinary, He Rourou knew that this was her master.

The master of her soul and flesh.

The master she had been thinking about day and night.

The smell of her master... would not deceive anyone.

The contract that was placed in the dark would not lie to anyone either!

She trembled like a long-dried plant that had encountered rain. Every inch of her skin was excited!


Ling Ping'an frowned as he looked at the woman in front of him.

His eyes were filled with vigilance.

"Miss..." He slowly took a step back, "Do we know each other?"

Although he had never met such a woman who called him 'master' right away...

Someone might not have eaten pork before, but he should have seen pigs running around.