All Roads Led To Same Destination

Imperial capital, on Purple Gold Mountain.

Li Shouyi stepped into the hall where the golden body of Emperor Guan was worshiped.

He solemnly picked up an incense stick, bowed respectfully and inserted it into the incense burner.

Emperor Guan was the Guardian God of the Federal Empire.

The latest title was: Federal Empire of Xia, protector of the people, loyal, righteous, godly, and valiant Emperor Guan.

It was the seal used by the Emperor, written in the central federal government and officially approved by the Council of Ministers.

It was also one of the trump cards of the Federal Empire.

It was the Emperor who enjoyed the country's worship and was sealed by the Emperor.

Once the ceremony was started and he was fully awakened, he would have at least the power of a Lord God.

Now, the Emperor had awakened a bit of his spiritual sense and could officially communicate with him.