Knights of the Apocalypse

Ever since Ludwig's betrayal, the atmosphere in land of Qin had been really weird.

The officials of the various countries seemed to have lost their voices, thereby allowing the statements from the Foreign Ministry of the Federal Empire of Xia to ferment.

Ludwig's accusations were like sharp swords stabbing into the heart of the Polish royal family that were suspected of unbecoming deeds.

Well, to the people of land of Qin, these were actually not a big problem.

They could even be called 'traditional virtues'.

Even today, the Habsburg royal family still maintained the tradition of brother and sister getting married.

This was for the sake of a purer bloodline.

In the era of the recovery of Spirit Aura, purer bloodlines could produce purer divine sons and goddesses.

This was something that was beyond doubt, so these accusations were only shocking to the Easterners.

The people of land of Qin did not feel anything.