The Lucky Star

The banquet finally began.

One by one, the waiters pushed the food carts and served the prepared dishes.

Ling Ping'an took a look.

Wow, it was quite sumptuous!

It basically included all sorts of edible stuff on earth.

Everything was in place.

All kinds of drinks were placed under everyone's feet as if they were free.

It was extremely extravagant!

However, considering that obesity was a disease of the poor in this day and age, those who were able to slim down were basically middle-class people.

Therefore, this was really nothing for them!

Even if the wealthy royal family burned their money, no one would find it strange.

It was almost time for the dishes to be served.

On the floor of the banquet hall, solemn music was suddenly played.

Chimes rang out in unison, and the sound of a flute was heard.

Everyone stood up.

The emperor was here!