A Great Honor

At 6:30 pm, Ling Ping'an sat in a corner and enjoyed his dinner.

There were very few people in the restaurant today.

Most of them seemed to have found a partner and went out on a date.

Therefore, most of the people who came to the restaurant were dejected and listless. They were not in the mood to eat.

Only Ling Ping'an ate his dinner with a peace of mind.

As he chewed, he listened to the discussions of the two people not far in front of him.

One of them said, "Now that the world is turbulent, I'm afraid brother Yang is going to be rich!"

The other person replied, "Hehe, it's just to earn some hard-earned money... How can it compare to brother Zhou's power... I'm afraid that the few farms in Northern Zhou this year will be earning a lot of money!"

Upon hearing that, the first person laughed, "Thank you! Thank you!"

Ling Ping'an listened and lowered his head.

This was the irony of this world.