
It was already ten o'clock at night when Chiba Michiko left.

Ling Ping'an closed the door and felt a little sleepy. He took out his cell phone and lay on the bed. As he browsed through the short videos he'd watch before turning in, he thought about what had happened in the capital recently.

This was the habit of a gentleman.

Confucius said, "I reflect on myself three times a day."

It was also a habit of his, that every once in a while, he would reflect on what he had done in the past.

Sometimes he'd feel ashamed, sometimes he'd feel amused, sometimes he'd feel proud, and most of the time, he'd feel childish!


He always did things that he felt were childish.

Just like what happened today.

"I've really gone crazy!" He recalled in depth.

Today was another day for him to be a good teacher.

Not only did he find a way out for Silla, he had also wanted to interfere with Chiba Michiko's family matters.