Fusang's Enlightenment

It was 1 pm on 20 October 2842.

Ling Ping'an was dragging his suitcase with his right hand and his pet with his left hand as he returned home.

When he glanced at the next door, Aunt Cai was nowhere to be seen. The huge breakfast shop had already closed the door early.

Not far away from the intersection, a brand-new advertising screen was playing the recruitment advertisement of the Wang Group.

Loudspeakers were playing Cheng Mingli, the grand scholar of the Gonghe party, over and over again.

"It takes a long time to produce talents..."

"Our country must put education first!"

"Gather all the funds to develop and improve our education industry, including vocational education!"

"Just as Taizu said, the root of all problems is poverty. If we want to solve the problem of poverty, we must rely on education

"Therefore, I have written a book on the current situation and future development of education in our country..."