The Divine Selection

As Ling Ping'an walked upstairs, he looked at the silver game cabin in the corner of his bedroom.

When he walked over, the sensing device on the cover of the game cabin opened automatically.

He looked at the cabin and saw that there seemed to be a layer of soft, blue material.

"It's stardust!" He reached out and touched it.

The stardust was very soft and comfortable to touch. There was a slight warmth.

This material was a remnant of the supernova explosion, which was rare!

Ling Ping'an slowly lay down. The surrounding Stardust immediately wrapped around him like water.

A sound appeared in his ears.

It was the sound of gears turning.

In the next moment, Ling Ping'an found himself in a square.

The square was huge, almost boundless.

He subconsciously adjusted his nonexistent glasses.

Then, with a wave of his hand, a familiar interface appeared in front of him.