Human Nature (2)

"Immortal..." Wang Gui struggled for a long time before finally gritting his teeth and kowtowing, "I don't know why immortal said that..."

Immortals who descended to the mortal world were indeed unrivaled in their abilities.

But... what he said was hard to believe!

The world he lived in was fake.

He was just a wandering soul floating in this nightmare-like illusion?

Moreover... was he a pitiful soul that repeated this reincarnation over and over again?

And the real world had long been turned upside down!

Emperor Taizu's expedition to Yinzhou was real but that was more than 300 years ago!

Great Xia's Emperor Taizu had long passed away, and the Great Xia Empire had become a federal empire that was similar to the Zhou dynasty.

The Emperor ruled from the country peacefully with talented people from the four corners, and the herdsmen guarded the land.