Fog in Jiangcheng City (1)

The thick fog filled the entire Jiangcheng City.

From morning until noon, the fog slowly dispersed, and the sun finally shone on the city again.

"What's going on recently?" The passersby by the roadside watched as the thick fog dispersed on time at noon, they couldn't help but mutter, "There aren't any heavy chemical companies in Jiangcheng City... But why has it been like this almost every day for the past month?"

The people around him nodded, full of doubts.

In the past month, the weather in Jiangcheng City had become very strange.

Except for a few days, most of the time, there was no thunder. After 10 p.m., the thick fog filled the air. It would only disperse at 12 p.m. the next day, and it would last for 14 hours!

As a result, Jiangcheng City had won the title of "Fog City" on the internet.

However, the people of Jiangcheng City hated this title!

The thick fog affected countless people's daily life and work orders every day.