Bai Suzhen (1)


Chu Weiwei also woke up from the seemingly eternal dream.

In that dream, she seemed to have experienced thousands of years.

But it also seemed to have happened in the blink of an eye.

She looked at Li An'an with a hazy look in her eyes. "Bai... Oh no... Captain..."

"What happened to us?"

The various things in the dream seemed to flash before her eyes like bubbles.

Time seemed to have sped up countless times. A thousand years in an instant, a million years in a dream!

It was just like the legendary woodcutter who had mistakenly entered the mythical grade chess game.

When the game ended, and he was already a hundred years old.

However, her rationality reminded her that it was just a dream.

Right now, it was still the winter of the Republic era, year 2842.

The dishes on the table were still warm.