Gemini (1)

Holding the completely flesh which is twisted and broken in his hand, Ling Ping'an slowly landed in front of a bronze cauldron.

Under the cauldron was a strange creature whose flesh had already festered. He was so horrible that it did not seem like a human at all.

Bone-like things grew out of his body.

They were filled with a stench and decay.

There was also a ball of burning flame in his body.

That was a true spirit that had survived countless years.

"It won't help either!" Ling Ping'an said.

This true spirit was just a remnant spirit.

HIs main body and body had been dead for countless years.

In other words, this strange creature was just a sewing monster that had been dead for many years.

"Huh? "Ling Ping'an was about to turn around and leave because this thing was hopeless.

But he suddenly stopped and turned back.

"Interesting!" He suddenly laughed and reached out to grab the flame.