Gemini (5)

As Ling Ping'an slowly stepped into the Jade Palace, all sorts of wonders appeared in front of his eyes.

Immortal trees and divine grass were planted all over the palace.

Dragons and phoenixes and strange beasts were also coiled around the beams.

In short, all sorts of primordial aura burst out, which was expected of a great world that had evolved to the peak of the order immortal path.

Just as the various plants and rare beasts here, no matter what world they were in, they were all top-notch spiritual objects!

And in the depths of the palace, that vast, surging aura came crashing down.

It was an existence that had already surpassed the outer gods.

It was a terrifying existence that was almost one step away from transcending space-time. It was able to chat cheerfully with its main body or engage in a life-and-death battle.

The pinnacle of the path of order and immortality.

The order of order itself.