The Terrifying Cub!

This was their enemy!

They would never forget the scene of the three young cubs in the pride being killed by the baboons!

He did not expect that this group of enemies would actually migrate here!

Aisha and Xi'er looked at each other and saw the fear and panic in each other's eyes.

The lion was not here, and the other sisters were not.

Xi'er was seriously injured and could not fight.

If the baboons suddenly rushed over, how could they protect the children?

"Roar! Roar! Roar!"

The baboons immediately discovered them!

Indeed, under the roar of the baboon king, whose fur was the most glossy and smooth, the thirty plus baboons immediately roared and rushed over!

They also recognized these lions!


Little Curly Tail suddenly roared angrily and stood in front of his mother. He bared his fangs and revealed a fierce expression.