The New King


The battle erupted again!

The roars of the six female lions and the roars of the two wandering lions instantly resounded throughout the entire forest.

The animals in the forest fled in panic.

Not far away, Bill, who was lying on the ground, was covered in blood. He turned his head in despair and watched their battle.

No matter who won or lost, it no longer mattered to him.

His lion king career in this territory had completely come to an end.

And his life would be buried in this land.

On the grassland in the distance, the fiery red sun was slowly setting with its last light.

Just like his life.

The battle between the two wandering lions and the six female lions quickly ended.

Both sides did not intend to risk their lives.

The ferocity and courage of lionesses were for their children.

However, they did not want to die.

The two wandering lions had never thought of killing them.