I'll Continue To Endorse For myself

The weather became increasingly hot.

Many animals crawled into the dense bushes to avoid the scorching sun.

Even when eating, they seemed a little listless.

The pride hid in the shade of the bushes and slept through the torturous day.

The lion with a thick mane did not even want to move.

The battle for territory seemed to have calmed down after the compromise of the cold father's pride.

The lions on both sides were uncomfortably hot.

The Seno brothers did not even want to mark the new border. They brought the female lions into the most dense bushes and lay down to rest.

No matter how strong a king was, he seemed so small and weak in front of nature.

At the foot of the hill.

The water level quietly fell again.

In order to occupy more water sources, the migrating hippopotamuses started to attack the crocodiles.