
The grass swayed.

The noisy barking of hyenas rose and fell densely.

More than thirty spotted hyenas rushed out of the bushes majestically under the lead of the new queen. They drooled as they looked at the pride and their prey with longing.


Lars, who was standing at the front, bared his fangs and let out a roar, his gaze angry and fierce.

He hated these old enemies to the bones!

The lion, the cold father, stood beside him and looked coldly at the group of enemies in front of him. He also let out a hoarse growl.

The corner of his mouth was broken and his mouth was full of blood. His thick mane made his fierce face look even more terrifying.

However, he was panting heavily with his mouth open.

The hunt and chase just now, as well as the hot weather, made him feel weak, hot, and tired.

He really wanted to lie down in the shade and rest for a while.
