
At the foot of the hill.

The river had already dried up.

On the thick mud, there were a few old crocodiles that were guarding their territory and unwilling to leave.

The sun was vicious.

They struggled with all their might and crawled into the mud.

However, it was still hot.

The water in the mud was also quickly evaporating.

The young and strong crocodiles had already migrated with the group.

Some little crocodiles hid in deep caves, not eating or drinking, not moving at all, waiting for the torturous dry season to pass.

Every season, there would always be some animals that could not make it through.

A group of monkeys walked down the hill under the hot sun and came to the dry river, wanting to drink water.

Looking at the empty riverbed full of mud, they stood by the river in a daze.

Some monkeys left.

Some monkeys continued to wait.