King of Hyenas

Half a month later.

The drought grew worse.

However, the hot sun was merciless, still cruelly roasting the land that had long fallen into dryness.

Dust flew everywhere on the grassland.

A wolf that had gone out to hunt was lying on the ground, on the verge of death.

He was seriously dehydrated and could not stand up anymore.

His wife and children were waiting for him in the cave.

This "man" who was loyal to love and family and had dedicated his life to his family and family ultimately fell into this cruel season.

On the riverbed, the mud turned into armor and cracked into pieces.

The few old crocodiles had already been exposed to the sun and turned into dried corpses, forever buried in their territory.

Not far away, in a cave near the river bank, a small crocodile was hiding in the darkness motionless. It opened its eyes and watched everything silently.

By the river.