Little Curly Tail's Tail

"Roar —"

Belita's pitiful cries came again.

Chu Xiaoye stopped in his tracks.

However, this time, he really did not look back.

He turned his head and looked at the bushes beside him.

The bushes were dense and it must be very shady inside.

The weather was so hot, so they could not run around randomly. It was better to hide in the bushes and catch a cold.

He turned around and crawled into the bushes, hiding his entire body inside and lying down.

The air was still filled with the smell of blood on the female leopard.

This would attract many hungry carnivores.

He happened to have an itchy golden claw and could practice his combat skills.

He turned around and lay down, his gaze fixed on the wind and grass around the leopard and daughter.

To become stronger, he could not slack off!